Athlete’s Choice Massage
“Everyone is an athlete”


SPORTS MASSAGE:  Uses specialized techniques to prevent sports injuries, boost athletic endurance and performance, and accelerate recovery from injury or fatigue. It addresses the physiology of athletic performance, the special demands of training and conditioning, and the physiology of the injury and repair process.

DEEP TISSUE THERAPY: Focuses on skillful manipulation to correct myofascial dysfunction found in muscle, fascia, tendon and other connective tissues. It frees fascia from chronic patterns of pain and strain, thus re-establishing healthy functioning. Techniques help to restore full range of motion and elasticity to shortened muscles, reduce tissue congestion and adhesions, and enhance muscular balance and alignment.

MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective tissue between the muscle compartments (fascia) and helps the body heal properly from injuries by reducing adhesions and restoring alignment and range of motion. Supplementary modalities such as cupping or gua sha may be used to manipulate and stretch the tissue in the desired direction.

ORTHOPEDIC CUPPING: Is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. Silicone cups placed on specific tension areas use negative pressure (vacuum) to pull, lift, release and expand the body's soft tissues. Used to release scar tissue, fascial adhesions, manage trigger points, improve circulation, relieve pain, and promote flexibility. Is also used to help restore lymphatic drainage by directing lymphatic fluid towards the lymph nodes.

ZERO BALANCING: Is a gentle style of massage that combines osteopathic massage manipulation with the energy work of acupuncture. The practitioner uses comfortable finger pressure and gentle traction on specific joints and bony points of the body to create a point of balance, or a fulcrum, around which the body can relax and reorganize itself allowing the receiver to let go of held tension and pain and  experience deep relaxation and improved function.

KINESIO TAPING: Is a therapeutic tape that's applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance. The elastic tape creates a microscopic 'lifting' action on the skin resulting in an unloading and decompressing of the underlying tissues thereby reducing pain and increasing flexibility. Kinesio taping improves blood flow circulation and also enhances the flow of lymphatic fluid accelerating healing of bruised or swollen tissue.  Used as an adjunct to massage and other manual therapies to help re-educate and re-train muscles that may be imbalanced. Is also used to improve athletic performance as it can enhance movement and endurance by reducing fatigue. 

GUA SHA: Is a traditional healing technique in Eastern medicine utilizing various shaped tools and instruments that are used to 'scrape' the skin to produce extravasation of blood in the subcutis tissues. This helps to produce an anti-inflammatory and immune protective effect in the applied area. It can also be very helpful in reducing scar tissue and mobilizing a stagnant area (especially helpful on tendonous areas such as Achilles)

ITOVI scan: An ITOVI scan uses galvanic skin response signals through a small hand held device to evaluate a person’s unique electrical signature , and, using proprietary algorithms, can recommend specific wellness products (supplements, essential oils, nutritional support) that will support your body. Similar to a FITBIT device, the ITOVI measures your body’s physiological response to the stimulus introduced by specific product frequencies.  

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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